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LTA Turkey

C6 - Stereotypical thinking and cultural discrimination in school
- how can we address and solve these issues?

Activity description

In drama activity, the participants coming from other countries and having different backgrounds will promote examples from their own culture and understand and respect cultural diversity with the help of this activity and with cultural visits, the participants will gain awareness about cultural differences and similarities and will be developing educational - Getting to know each other - Welcome session at school - Metting with local authorities with focus on the project topics 28th November 2022- Ice-breaking activities - communication games, a tour of the school. Meetings with NGOs and local authorities, discussion on cultural stereotypical and discrimination at local and European level and the specific measures to solve them. The creation of products by the students - it will be a work done in multicultural teams for creating posters of the mobility, campaign posters to increase the awareness spirit about the issues of cultural competences. stereotyping and discrimination. 29th November- Drama- Participants coming from different cultural backgrounds will give examples from their culture when they are using techniques like improvisation and role-playing in drama. By this technique, different groups in the project will tell about local and transnational performances, improve verbal/body language and artistic behaviour, develop in socialization and self-confidence. 30th November - Cultural visit- students will visit cultural heritage places. With the help of these activities, students will be aware of tangible cultural heritage and learn the importance of the protection of these and will improve the intercultural communicative skills, empathy, tolerance, peace. 1st December - United under the same sky! the students will their presentations, students will discuss the issue, do comparisons: seminars, debate, workshops and activities on the topic cultural stereotypical and discrimination, will be organized interactive games ( promote national sport and other traditional games for socializing), organized in nature, in green spaces. We will is organized a festivity to offer participation certificates for all participants. The activity will be evaluated through an online questionnaire on the Google Classroom/Forms platform and through an interview for measuring the success of the event. It will be realized Evaluation of the whole project.

Meetings with NGOs and local authorities

Meetings with NGOs and local authorities, discussion on cultural stereotypical and discrimination at local and European level and the specific measures to solve them.

Drama- Participants coming from different cultural backgrounds

Drama- Participants coming from different cultural backgrounds will give examples from their culture when they are using techniques like improvisation and role-playing in drama. By this technique, different groups in the project will tell about local and transnational performances, improve verbal/body language and artistic behaviour, develop in socialization and self-confidence.

United under the same sky!

United under the same sky! the students will their presentations, students will discuss the issue, do comparisons: seminars, debate, workshops and activities on the topic cultural stereotypical and discrimination, will be organized interactive games ( promote national sport and other traditional games for socializing), organized in nature, in green spaces.

Model United Nations

Model United Nations is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role, while debating topics such as digital democracy, gender equality, climate change, global health and other.

All the participants will evaluate and vote each the thesis. 

After learning modules, students will establish a measure for various global issues in their own communities. They will talk about the topic with the other students, participants, parents, and teachers in the conference hall

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