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LTA Greece

C4 - Poem reading contest .Model of United Technique

Activity description

On 24th October, the partner members were received by the Greek coordinator and the Erasmus+ team with an welcome reception delivered by the school headmistress and a group of teachers and students. Starting the activities by order: - Getting to know each other - Welcome session at school - Metting with local authorities with focus on the project topics. on 24th Ice-breaking activities - communication games, a tour of the school, participation in demonstrative lessons of History and Geography: Studying on the history of the United Nations before the model united technique (MUN) activity. Studying the history of each country in terms of democracy, gender equality. Model United Nations is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role, while debating topics such as digital democracy, gender equality, climate change, global health and other. On 25th - Workshop-students are organized into mixed teams. Each group will write a thesis on the given current topic. They may use real-life examples to explore today's most pressing issues. After learning modules, students will establish a measure for various global issues in their own communities. They will talk about the topic with the other students, participants, parents, and teachers in the conference hall. All the participants will evaluate and vote each the thesis. Thesis with the highest grade will be the winner of the activity. On 26th - will be held poem speech competition with the themes: Human rights, democracy, free speech rights. The jury will include representatives from all partner countries, the participants will have the opportunity to vote. With the help of this poetry contest, will be developed the students writing and speaking skills and their creativity aesthetics. On 27th -They will prepare a booklet that will include all the participating poems, edit in languages of the countries involved in the project and in the English.

Ice-breaking activities

Poem speech competition

Ice-breaking activities - communication games, a tour of the school, participation in demonstrative lessons of History and Geography

On 26th - will be held poem speech competition with the themes: Human rights, democracy, free speech rights. The jury will include representatives from all partner countries, the participants will have the opportunity to vote. With the help of this poetry contest, will be developed the students writing and speaking skills and their creativity aesthetics.

Model United Nations

Model United Nations is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role, while debating topics such as digital democracy, gender equality, climate change, global health and other.

All the participants will evaluate and vote each the thesis. 

After learning modules, students will establish a measure for various global issues in their own communities. They will talk about the topic with the other students, participants, parents, and teachers in the conference hall

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