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The idea of the project started from the common needs identified in the partner schools in the project: social inclusion problems.


In this period schools they did their best to provide an open and active educational place where quality educational activities and students’ well being be top priorities.

The project was planned to take place over a period of 24 months,but due to the problems generated by the pandemic,an extension of the project by 12 months was requested,so the implementation period of the project was 36 months (01.09.2020 -31.08.2023).


At the partnership level there were 700 students aged between 15-18 years who have been involved in the project activities for resolve of social inclusion problems, to reduce the number of absences, to increase the level of learning outcomes and to increase responsibility in solving problems from community.


The objective of the project aimed development of common educational values through civic involvement and active participation at European level for 700 direct participants students and 600 indirect participants teachers, parents through cooperation between schools from 5 countries(Portugal,Poland,Greece,Turkey and Romania) over a 36 months period.


Italy's withdrawal from the project due to the problems caused by the pandemic also changed the activity program of project.To achieve the proposed objectives,the activities of the Italian partner were distributed to the 5 schools remaining in the project.


Our main role was to help institutions contribute to social cohesion, to solving the problem of social inclusion, discrimination, to the development of civic,social,cultural skills,through these activities:

  1. C1-Unity in diversity-Intercultural exchanges: Each school promoted the specific customs and traditions of each country, making intercultural exchanges. A contest was organized for the selection of the project motto.

  2. As part of this activity, each school presented the book that includes recipes from the traditional cuisine, the calendar that promotes historical and cultural objectives from each country, dances, music and the traditional costume.

These final products were offered through mutual exchanges to each team. With this activity of project  the objectives were achieved the objectives regarding developing civic and social skills, improved communication, language and digital skills development, self-confidence, respect for different cultures.

  1. C2-The activity of organizing a petition campaign-students prepared a petition and request it to be signed by other students and other people from local community. With this activity of project  the objectives were achieved the objectives regarding developing civic and social skills, improved communication, language skills development, self-confidence, social responsibility and respect for different cultures.

  2. C1,C2,C4,C5,C6- Environmental cleaning the organization: participants they discussed a topic related to society and the environment and they offered solutions for developing communication,teamwork,critical thinking by greening activities

  3. C4-Poetry writing contest with the theme: human rights, democracy and the right to freedom of expression.

In poem writing competition activity, they used linguistic competence, creativity, they used their social skills and teamwork.

  1. At the end of the activity, a book was created with the poems written in the following languages: English, Romanian, Portuguese, Greek, Polish and Turkish, promoting multilingualism.

  2. C5-Visiting institutions that need helping-charitable activities- they carried out entrepreneurial activities, by direct involvement, they became responsible for solving a social problem in the community.

  3. C6-Stereotypical thinking and cultural discrimination în school - how can we address and solve these issues?In drama activity, they promoted examples from their own culture to understand and respect the cultural diversity in the school and they organized cultural visits

  4. At the end of the activity, a book containing all skits written in English was produced, the book representing a model of good practice for solving this problems, promoting tolerance, empathy and respect.

So the proposed objectives were achieved and the following results were obtained at the partnership level:

-560/80% students socially included through the application of these long-term strategies;

-630/90% students promoted a culture of equality, respect and tolerance;

-665/95% students developed social,civic,interpersonal,intercultural, communication and teamwork skills;

-665/95% students increased self-esteem and creativity;

-665/95% students improved their foreign language skills, IT and improved the quality of education,becoming more aware of their place within the European community;

-665/95% students are more tolerant towards different cultures, religions, ethnicities,by people from other countries

-665/95% students promote a democratic way of life,have become active and participatory citizens;

-700/100% students made new friends and communicated with them during the project and after the project end they share European knowledge and experiences

-595/85% students learned about different lifestyles

-absences were reduced by 60%.


-schools became more visible locally and gained a positive in their communities, thus attracting more students for years to come;

-the experience encouraged teachers to develop new Erasmus+ projects;

-the increased European character of all schools in the partnership, the development of civic, social, intercultural and active citizenship skills

-the collaboration with local institutions/NGOs  on project themes motivated the students to get actively involved in the social life of the community;

-equal opportunities,right to education  are ensured for all students, eliminating and solving social inclusion problems.

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